Kum Nye -- Tibetan Yoga
Kum Nye Yoga is a system of physical exercises based on traditional Tibetan healing practices. In performing Kum Nye's simple breathing, massage, and movement exercises, mind relaxes, senses open and the heart wakes up. Tension melt, releasing energy to flow freely in the body and mind, relieving stress and promoting balance and health. Easy to learn and practice on one's own, these gentle practices effortlessly integrate the energies of body and mind.
Based on Tibetan teachings for living in harmony with physical and universal laws, Kum Nye develops our ability to heal and energize our entire being. Its postures and movements, combined with self massage and breathing practices quiet the mind and restore the body's natural rhythms. The calm, yet fully energized state that follows can expand and open to reveal the joy and beauty of 'just being' - a state of deep relaxation that refreshes and restores the human spirit. Because it awakens us to the natural wholeness of our being, Kum Nye is an effective practice for deepening mediation and exploring the reality of our nature.
This edition contains the ecomplete text and illustrations of the original two-volume set (Kum Nye Relaxation 1 & 2, 1978), and includes a new introduction by the author. The book has become a valued resource for individuals and health care practitioners around the world and has been translated into fifteen languages.
Tibetan lama Tarthang Tulku introduced Kum Nye Yoga to the West in the early 1970s, shaping it specifically to relieve the deeply-rooted tensions that make students restless and interfere with meditation. As students experienced the benefits of these mindful breathing, posutres, and movement exercises, he shaped Kum Nye into programs that have far-reaching physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits and connect us to the simple joy of being.
Tarthang Tulku is the author of a dozen books, including The Joy of Being, Kum Nye Dancing, Gesture of Balance, Skillful Means, Time, Space, and Knowledge, Milking the Painted Cow, Knowledge of Freedom, and Revelations of Mind.